Testimonials: Casey Steiner

My time in Eternal Flame has greatly impacted me as well as shed some light into subjects that I thought I knew. Each week, as our whole group sat down at different meetings, I was impacted in all sorts of ways. The readings that we would read out loud to each other, made me come up with new perspectives about Judaism. One major part of this group that impacted me the most was the holocaust speakers that would share their stories with us. Listening to the gruesome stories made me visualize what actually happened during the Holocaust and how grateful I am to be living the life I am right now. These meetings, as well as the away weekend, really impacted my view on the Holocaust and gave me a better understanding that I will never forget.

– Casey Steiner, 17, Montvale

Testimonials: Ally Rosen

The Eternal Flame impacted me because I was given the chance to deeply understand what it means to be Jewish. I saw this through the holocaust museum, the several speakers we were lucky enough to listen to, and simply spending time with each other. I am pleased to have participated in the eternal flame because I honestly do feel that I learned more and it definitely benefitted me!

– Ally Rosen, 15, Woodcliff Lake

Testimonials: Arianna Price

The eternal flame program was great! I have a deeper understanding of Judaism and I feel closer to god. Previously, I had read about the holocaust but actually being at the museum and seeing the past and items from out ancestors made a much bigger impact on me. I was blown away. Thank you so much for this opportunity.
Thank you.

– Arianna Price, 18, Hillsdale

Testimonials: Rachel Samitt

My name is Rachel Samitt and I feel very privileged to have been a part of Valley Chabad’s first Eternal Flame Teen Fellowship program. Thank you to the Goerge and Martha Rich Foundation and to Valley Chabad!

As a Jewish teen, I always had strong feelings about the Holocaust. But I knew little about the details of the horrific events and I lacked a real connection to the Holocaust. I have never really had the opportunity to hear firsthand what the Jews in Europe experienced. I’ve read about it and spoke about it in school but Eternal Flame made it personal and changed my perspective in a way I never thought it would.

With the teen fellowship, we were 20 teens, from across the Pascack Valley. We all came from different schools, backgrounds and towns, and a lot of us didn’t know each other previously. Eternal Flame united us as a group and ignited the flame of Judaism within us.

Hearing first hand from survivors was a highlight. Listening to the stories, I saw immense strength and spirit. It taught me to appreciate life to its fullest and that every day is a gift. I also recognized the importance of being educated in the Holocaust as the last generation to live amongst survivors. It is our generation’s job to retell these stories and horrifying realities to the generations to come so that it is never forgotten.

Walking through the Holocaust museum in Washington I saw that despite pain and torture, our people remained connected to their people and to their faith. Many walked to the gas chambers singing the Shema and prayed to G-d as they were on the fence of death. Nothing created such a passion inside of me like that did. I had never felt more proud of my Jewish Heritage.

I think the most important thing I learned on this trip was that we are here, we are the next generation, and we need to say never again. We need to fight for Jews rights every day and we need to support Israel. Without this trip, this flame wouldn’t have been lit inside of me, and I wouldn’t have such a passion to live tall and proud. I now passionately feel the importance of us, the next generation, to live a life as a committed people.

– Rachel Samitt, 17, Woodcliff Lake

The British Shindler [Screening]

Nicholas Winton was one of World War II’s most unlikely heroes, but thanks to his bravery and perseverance, 669 Jewish children escaped Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia – and almost certain death – for the safety of Britain.
British Shindler

Born in 1909 into a London banking family with German and Jewish roots, by the late 1930s Nicholas was well placed to know about Hitler’s brutality.


‘Even though the true horror hadn’t yet emerged, we knew what was happening as we were putting up relatives and friends in our house. So I became convinced of the dire necessity to do something,’ he recalls.


This week, a new TV documentary reveals how the young stockbroker was the British equivalent of Oskar Schindler, the German businessman who saved the lives of more than 1,000 Polish Jews during the war.

Netanyahu Rejects Holocaust Comments

Netanyahu-cabinet--300x172Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday rejected Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ recent sympathetic statements about the Holocaust citing the PA’s recent moves to unite with terror group Hamas, which is committed to Israel’s destruction.

“Hamas denies the Holocaust even as it attempts to create an additional Holocaust by destroying the State of Israel. It is with this Hamas that Abu Mazen chose to form an alliance last week,” Netanyahu told ministers at his government’s weekly cabinet meeting. “Instead of issuing statements designed to placate global public opinion, Abu Mazen needs to choose between the alliance with Hamas, a terrorist organization that calls for the destruction of Israel and denies the Holocaust, and a true peace with Israel.”

Another Teenage Holocaust Diary Discovered

rywka Lipszyc DiaryWhile Anne Frank and her diary have become something of an emblem of early Holocaust education for students, another diary written by a teenager during the Holocaust has surfaced that can perhaps offer a different perspective of the atrocities. JWeekly reports that the diary of Rywka Lipszyc, which chronicles six months of life in the Lodz Ghetto through the eyes of a 14-year-old, has been discovered—and, after an extensive authentication process, published.

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